Production on NZAA is still the sole focus now for the core Flightbeam roadmap (core meaning non-published Flightbeam products). P3D work is happening in parallel with MSFS production and things are looking quite well for both sims.
We do get many emails and messages asking for a release date. I highly appreciate the interest in NZAA. Right now it's impossible to pin down a release date, or even a rough schedule. The challenge continues to be the Covid situation, since schools refuse to open up full time, I've essentially been a full time homeschooling parent for two young kids on top of all the Flightbeam production responsibilities since March 2020. It is without a doubt, an extreme challenge. I'm sure other parent flight simmers can relate. With that said there is something that will never be sacrificed no matter what, and that is quality. The
Flightbeam core brand is consistent and improves with every release, NZAA is no different.
Thank you for your patience and keep an eye out for more previews as the scenery slowly comes to completion.
- Mir